Source code for mechelastic.core.elastic_properties

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import json
from dicttoxml import dicttoxml
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
from ..comms import printer
from ..tests import ductile
from ..tests import eigenvals
from ..utils.constants import *
from ..utils.elements import ELEMENTS
from ..utils.crystalutils import *
from .structure import Structure

[docs]class ElasticProperties: def __init__(self, elastic_tensor, structure=None, crystal_type=None, verbose=True): """ Parameters ---------- elastic_tensor : TYPE DESCRIPTION. structure : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. crystal_type : TYPE, optional DESCRIPTION. The default is None. Returns ------- None. """ self.elastic_tensor = np.matrix(elastic_tensor) self.compaliance_tensor = self.elastic_tensor.I self.structure = structure self.crystal_type = crystal_type self.verbose = verbose # if verbose: # print_matrix(self.elastic_tensor) alredy printed eigenvals.positive_evals(self.elastic_tensor, self.verbose) if crystal_type is not None or structure is not None: crystal_select( cnew=self.elastic_tensor, cell=self.structure.spglib_cell, crystal_type=self.crystal_type, verbose=self.verbose, ) # if self.verbose: # print(self.__str__) @property def K_v(self): """ Returns ------- KV : float Bulk Modulus Voigt. """ cnew = self.elastic_tensor K_v = (cnew[0, 0] + cnew[1, 1] + cnew[2, 2]) + 2 * ( cnew[0, 1] + cnew[1, 2] + cnew[2, 0] ) K_v = K_v / 9.0 return K_v @property def bulk_modulus_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk Modulus Voigt. """ return self.K_v @property def G_v(self): """ Returns ------- G_v : float Shear Modulus Voigt. """ cnew = self.elastic_tensor ## Shear: Voigt G_v = ( (cnew[0, 0] + cnew[1, 1] + cnew[2, 2]) - (cnew[0, 1] + cnew[1, 2] + cnew[2, 0]) + 3 * (cnew[3, 3] + cnew[4, 4] + cnew[5, 5]) ) G_v = G_v / 15.0 return G_v @property def shear_modulus_voight(self): """ Returns ------- float Shear Modulus Voigt. """ return self.G_v @property def E_v(self): """ Returns ------- float Young's Modulus. """ return (9 * self.K_v * self.G_v) / (3 * self.K_v + self.G_v) @property def youngs_modulus_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- float Young's Modulus Voigt. """ return self.E_v @property def Nu_v(self): """ Returns ------- float Poisson's Ratio Voigt. """ return (3 * self.K_v - self.E_v) / (6 * self.K_v) @property def poissons_ratio_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- float Poisson's Ratio Voigt. """ return self.Nu_v @property def pugh_ratio_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- float Pugh's Ratio Voigt. """ return self.K_v/self.G_v @property def M_v(self): """ Returns ------- float P-wave modulus voigt. """ return self.K_v + (4 * self.G_v / 3.0) @property def p_wave_modulus_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- float P-wave modulus voigt. """ return self.M_v @property def K_r(self): """ Returns ------- K_r : float Bulk Modulus Reuss. """ snew = self.compaliance_tensor K_r = (snew[0, 0] + snew[1, 1] + snew[2, 2]) + 2 * ( snew[0, 1] + snew[1, 2] + snew[2, 0] ) K_r = 1.0 / K_r return K_r @property def bulk_modulus_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk Modulus Reuss. """ return self.K_r @property def G_r(self): """ Returns ------- G_r : float Shear Modulus Reuss. """ snew = self.compaliance_tensor G_r = ( 4 * (snew[0, 0] + snew[1, 1] + snew[2, 2]) - 4 * (snew[0, 1] + snew[1, 2] + snew[2, 0]) + 3 * (snew[3, 3] + snew[4, 4] + snew[5, 5]) ) G_r = 15.0 / G_r return G_r @property def shear_modulus_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- G_r : float Shear Modulus Reuss. """ return self.G_r @property def E_r(self): """ Returns ------- float Young's Modulus Reuss. """ return (9 * self.K_r * self.G_r) / (3 * self.K_r + self.G_r) @property def youngs_modulus_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- float Young's modulus Reuss. """ return self.E_r @property def Nu_r(self): """ Returns ------- float Poisson's Ration Reuss. """ return (3 * self.K_r - self.E_r) / (6 * self.K_r) @property def poissons_ratio_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- float Poisson's Ration Reuss. """ return self.Nu_r @property def pugh_ratio_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- float Pugh's Ration Reuss. """ return self.K_r/self.G_r @property def M_r(self): """ Returns ------- float P-Wave Modulus Reuss. """ return self.K_r + (4 * self.G_r / 3.0) @property def p_wave_modulus_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- float P-Wave Modulus Reuss. """ return self.M_r @property def K_vrh(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Bulk Modulus. """ return (self.K_r + self.K_v) / 2 @property def bulk_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Bulk Modulus. """ return self.K_vrh @property def G_vrh(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Shear Modulus. """ return (self.G_v + self.G_r) / 2 @property def shear_modulus_voight_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Shear Modulus. """ return self.G_vrh @property def E_vrh(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Young's Modulus. """ return (self.E_v + self.E_r) / 2 @property def youngs_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Young's Modulus. """ return self.E_vrh @property def Nu_vrh(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Poisson's Modulus. """ return (self.Nu_v + self.Nu_r) / 2.0 @property def poissons_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Poisson's Modulus. """ return self.Nu_vrh @property def pugh_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation Pugh's Ratio. """ return self.K_vrh/self.G_vrh @property def M_vrh(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation P-wave Modulus. """ return (self.M_v + self.M_r) / 2.0 @property def p_wave_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation P-wave Modulus. """ return self.M_vrh @property def KG_ratio_v(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk/Shear ratio voigt. """ return self.K_v / self.G_v @property def KG_ratio_r(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk/Shear ratio reuss. """ return self.K_r / self.G_r @property def KG_ratio_vrh(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk/Shear ratio voigt reuss hill. """ return self.K_vrh / self.G_vrh @property def bulk_shear_ratio_voigt(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk/Shear ratio voigt. """ return self.K_v / self.G_v @property def bulk_shear_ratio_reuss(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk/Shear ratio reuss. """ return self.K_r / self.G_r @property def bulk_shear_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill(self): """ Returns ------- float Bulk/Shear ratio voigt reuss hill. """ return self.K_vrh / self.G_vrh @property def A_z(self): """ Returns ------- float Zenner Anisotropy only for Cubic Crystals. """ cnew = self.elastic_tensor return 2 * cnew[3, 3] / (cnew[0, 0] - cnew[0, 1]) @property def anisotropy_zenner(self): """ Returns ------- float Zenner Anisotropy only for Cubic Crystals. """ return self.A_z @property def A_cb(self): """ Returns ------- float Chung-Buessem only for Cubic Crystals. """ a_cb = (self.G_v - self.G_r) / (self.G_v + self.G_r) return a_cb @property def anisotropy_Chung_Buessem(self): """ Returns ------- float Chung-Buessem only for Cubic Crystals. """ return self.A_cb @property def A_u(self): """ Returns ------- float Ranganathan and Ostoja-Starzewski method: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 055504 (2008). for any crystalline symmetry: Universal anisotropy index. Note: AU is a relative measure of anisotropy with respect to a limiting value. For example, AU does not prove that a crystal having AU = 3 has double the anisotropy of another crystal with AU = 1.5. I""' """ return (self.K_v / self.K_r) + 5 * (self.G_v / self.G_r) - 6.0 @property def anisotropy_universal(self): """ Returns ------- float Ranganathan and Ostoja-Starzewski method: Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 055504 (2008). for any crystalline symmetry: Universal anisotropy index Note: AU is a relative measure of anisotropy with respect to a limiting value. For example, AU does not prove that a crystal having AU = 3 has double the anisotropy of another crystal with AU = 1.5. I""' """ return self.A_u @property def A_l(self): """ Returns ------- float log-Euclidean anisotropy parameter by Christopher M. Kube, AIP Advances 6, 095209 (2016) AL CV , CR is based on the distance between the averaged stiffnesses CV and CR , which is more appropriate. Clearly, AL CV , CR is zero when the crystallite is isotropic. """ return np.sqrt( (np.log(self.K_v / self.K_r)) ** 2 + 5 * (np.log(self.G_v / self.G_r)) ** 2 ) @property def anisotropy_log_euclidean(self): """ Returns ------- float log-Euclidean anisotropy parameter by Christopher M. Kube, AIP Advances 6, 095209 (2016) AL CV , CR is based on the distance between the averaged stiffnesses CV and CR , which is more appropriate. Clearly, AL CV , CR is zero when the crystallite is isotropic. """ return self.A_l @property def ductility(self): """ Returns ------- string The ductility of the material """ return ductile.ductile_test(self.KG_ratio_vrh) @property def anisotropy_log_euclidean(self): """ Returns ------- float log-Euclidean anisotropy parameter by Christopher M. Kube, AIP Advances 6, 095209 (2016) AL CV , CR is based on the distance between the averaged stiffnesses CV and CR , which is more appropriate. Clearly, AL CV , CR is zero when the crystallite is isotropic. """ return self.A_l @property def velocity_transverse(self): """ Returns ------- float Transverse Sound Velocity(m/s) from Navier's equation using Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation """ if self.structure is None: raise Exception("No structure was provided") G = self.G_vrh * 1.0e9 return np.sqrt((G / self.structure.density)) @property def velocity_logitudinal(self): """ Returns ------- float longitudinal Sound velocity(m/s) from Navier's equation using Voigt-Reuss-Hill Approximation """ if self.structure is None: raise Exception("No structure was provided") G = self.G_vrh * 1.0e9 # converting from GPa to Pascal units (kg/ms^2) K = self.K_vrh * 1.0e9 return np.sqrt(((3 * K + 4 * G) / (3.0 * self.structure.density))) @property def velocity_average(self): """ Returns ------- float Average Sound velocity(m/s) """ vt = self.velocity_transverse vl = self.velocity_logitudinal return 1.0 / ( np.cbrt((1.0 / 3.0) * (2.0 / (vt * vt * vt) + 1.0 / (vl * vl * vl))) ) @property def debye_temperature(self): """ Returns ------- theta : float Debye temperature calculated using Orson Anderson's proposal [Ref- J. Phys. Chem. Solids (1963) 24, 909-917]. WARNING: Debye model for the atomic displacement is based on a monoatomic crystal, here we consider an average mass if your crystal has several species """ if self.structure is None: raise Exception("No structure was provided") q = self.structure.natoms density = self.structure.density total_mass = np.sum(self.structure.masses) theta = ( (h_Planck / kB) * self.velocity_average * np.cbrt((3 * q * N_avogadro * density) / (4 * (np.pi) * total_mass)) ) return theta @property def melting_temperature(self): """ Returns ------- float Melting temperature estimated using empirical relation from Ref: Johnston I, Keeler G, Rollins R and Spicklemire S 1996 Solid State Physics Simulations, The Consortium for Upper-Level Physics Software (New York: Wiley) """ return 607 + 9.3 * self.K_vrh @property def cauchy_pressure(self): """ This parameter desceibes the nature of bonding CP > 0 (+ve) indicates that ionic bonding dominates CP < 0 (-ve) indicates that covalent bonding dominates Returns ------- None. """ return self.elastic_tensor[0, 1] - self.elastic_tensor[3, 3] @property def bonding_type(self): """ This parameter desceibes the nature of bonding CP > 0 (+ve) indicates that ionic bonding dominates CP < 0 (-ve) indicates that covalent bonding dominates Returns ------- str DESCRIPTION. """ cauchy_pressure = self.cauchy_pressure if cauchy_pressure > 0: return "ionic" elif cauchy_pressure < 0: return "covalent" @property def kleinman_parameter(self): c = self.elastic_tensor return (c[0, 0] + 8 * c[0, 1]) / (7 * c[0, 0] - 2 * c[0, 1]) @property def bond_bending_vs_streching(self): return @property def lambda_lame_coefficient(self): """ Returns ------- TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ return self.E_vrh * self.Nu_vrh / ((1 + self.Nu_vrh) * (1 - 2 * self.Nu_vrh)) @property def mu_lame_coefficient(self): return self.E_vrh / (2 * (1 + self.Nu_vrh))
[docs] def to_dict(self, symprec=1e-5): """ Parameters ---------- symprec : float Precision used in calculating the space group in angstroms. The default is 1e-5. Returns ------- dict DESCRIPTION. """ return { "anisotropy_Chung_Buessem": self.anisotropy_Chung_Buessem, "anisotropy_log_euclidean": self.anisotropy_log_euclidean, "anisotropy_universal": self.anisotropy_universal, "anisotropy_zenner": self.anisotropy_zenner, "bond_bending_vs_streching": self.bond_bending_vs_streching, "bonding_type": self.bonding_type, "bulk_modulus_reuss": self.bulk_modulus_reuss, "bulk_modulus_voigt": self.bulk_modulus_voigt, "bulk_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill": self.bulk_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill, "bulk_shear_ratio_reuss": self.bulk_shear_ratio_reuss, "bulk_shear_ratio_voigt": self.bulk_shear_ratio_voigt, "bulk_shear_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill": self.bulk_shear_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill, "cauchy_pressure": self.cauchy_pressure, "compaliance_tensor": self.compaliance_tensor.tolist(), "crystal_type": self.crystal_type, "debye_temperature": self.debye_temperature, "ductility": self.ductility, "elastic_stability": self.elastic_stability, "elastic_tensor": self.elastic_tensor.tolist(), "hardness": self.hardness, "kleinman_parameter": self.kleinman_parameter, "lambda_lame_coefficient": self.lambda_lame_coefficient, "melting_temperature": self.melting_temperature, "mu_lame_coefficient": self.mu_lame_coefficient, "p_wave_modulus_reuss": self.p_wave_modulus_reuss, "p_wave_modulus_voigt": self.p_wave_modulus_voigt, "p_wave_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill": self.p_wave_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill, "poissons_ratio_reuss": self.poissons_ratio_reuss, "poissons_ratio_voigt": self.poissons_ratio_voigt, "poissons_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill": self.poissons_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill, "pugh_ratio_reuss": self.pugh_ratio_reuss, "pugh_ratio_voigt": self.pugh_ratio_voigt, "pugh_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill": self.pugh_ratio_voigt_reuss_hill, "shear_modulus_reuss": self.shear_modulus_reuss, "shear_modulus_voight": self.shear_modulus_voight, "shear_modulus_voight_reuss_hill": self.shear_modulus_voight_reuss_hill, "structure": self.structure.to_dict(symprec), "velocity_average": self.velocity_average, "velocity_logitudinal": self.velocity_logitudinal, "velocity_transverse": self.velocity_transverse, "youngs_modulus_reuss": self.youngs_modulus_reuss, "youngs_modulus_voigt": self.youngs_modulus_voigt, "youngs_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill": self.youngs_modulus_voigt_reuss_hill, }
[docs] def to_json(self, outfile="elastic_properties.json", symprec=1e-5): """ Parameters ---------- outfile : str, optional file path to the output file. The default is "elastic_properties.json". symprec : float, optional Precision used in calculating the space group in angstroms. The default is 1e-5. Returns ------- None. """ wf = open(outfile, "w") json.dump( self.to_dict(symprec), wf, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ") ) wf.close()
[docs] def to_xml(self, outfile="elastic_properties.xml", symprec=1e-5): """ Parameters ---------- outfile : str, optional file path to the output file. The default is "elastic_properties.xml". symprec : float, optional Precision used in calculating the space group in angstroms. The default is 1e-5. Returns ------- None. """ wf = open(outfile, "w") xml = dicttoxml(self.to_dict(symprec)) dom = parseString(xml) wf.write(dom.toprettyxml()) wf.close()
[docs] def to_file(self, outfile="elastic_properties.txt"): """ Parameters ---------- outfile : str, optional Path to the output file. The default is "elastic_properties.txt". Returns ------- None. """ wf = open(outfile, "w") wf.write(self.__str__()) wf.close()
def __str__(self): """ Returns ------- None. """ ret = "" ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Elastic Moduli\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" ret += " Voigt Reuss Average\n" ret += "-------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Bulk modulus (GPa) %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f \n" % ( self.K_v, self.K_r, self.K_vrh, ) ret += "Shear modulus (GPa) %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f \n" % ( self.G_v, self.G_r, self.G_vrh, ) ret += "Young's modulus (GPa) %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f \n" % ( self.E_v, self.E_r, self.E_vrh, ) ret += "Poisson's ratio %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f \n" % ( self.Nu_v, self.Nu_r, self.Nu_vrh, ) ret += "P-wave modulus (GPa) %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f \n" % ( self.M_v, self.M_r, self.M_vrh, ) ret += "Bulk/Shear (Pugh's) ratio %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f (%s) \n" % ( self.KG_ratio_v, self.KG_ratio_r, self.KG_ratio_vrh, self.ductility, ) ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Elastic parameters\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" ret += "Lame's first and second parameter; Ref.[3]\n" ret += "Lambda (GPa) = %10.3f \n" % self.lambda_lame_coefficient ret += "Mu (GPa) = %10.3f \n" % self.mu_lame_coefficient ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Bonding information\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n \n" ret += "Kleinman’s parameter; Ref.[4,5]\n" ret += "NOTE: K = 0 (1) bending (stretching) would dominate\n" ret += "K = %10.5f \n" % self.kleinman_parameter ret += "\n" ret += "Cauchy's Pressure calculated from the relation : CP = C_12 - C_44\n" ret += " CP > 0 (+ve) indicates that ionic bonding dominates\n" ret += " CP < 0 (-ve) indicates that covalent bonding dominates\n" ret += "CP (GPa) = %10.3f \n" % self.cauchy_pressure ret += "Bonding is mainly " + self.bonding_type + "\n" ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Elastic Anisotropy\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" ret += ( "Zener's anisotropy (true for cubic crystals only); Az = %6.3f; Ref.[6]\n" % self.A_z ) ret += ( "Chung-Buessem's anisotropy (true for cubic crystals only); Acb = %6.3f; Ref.[7]\n" % self.A_cb ) ret += "Universal anisotropy index; Au = %6.3f; Ref.[8]\n" % self.A_u ret += "Log-Euclidean's anisotropy; AL = %6.3f; Ref.[9]\n" % self.A_l ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Elastic Wave Velocities and Debye Temperature\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" ret += ( "Longitudinal wave velocity (vl) : %10.3f m/s; Ref.[10]\n" % self.velocity_logitudinal ) ret += ( "Transverse wave velocity (vt) : %10.3f m/s; Ref.[10]\n" % self.velocity_transverse ) ret += ( "Average wave velocity (vm) : %10.3f m/s; Ref.[10]\n" % self.velocity_average ) ret += "Debye temperature : %10.3f K; Ref.[10]\n" % self.debye_temperature ret += "\n" ret += "WARNING: The Debye model for the atomic displacement is based on a monoatomic crystal approximation.\n" ret += "Here we consider an averaged mass, in case your crystal has several species.\n" ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Melting Temperature\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" ret += "Melting temperature calculated from the empirical relation: Tm = 607 + 9.3*Kvrh \pm 555 (in K); Ref.[11]" ret += "Tm = %10.3f K (plus-minus 555 K) \n" % self.melting_temperature ret += "\n\n" ret += "WARNING: This is a crude approximation and its validity needs to be checked! \n" ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "Hardness Analysis\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" H1a, H1b, H2, H3, H4, H5 = self.hardness ret += "Hardness (H1a) = {:.2f} GPa; Ref.[12]\n".format(H1a) ret += "Hardness (H1b) = {:.2f} GPa; Ref.[12]\n".format(H1b) ret += "Hardness (H2) = {:.2f} GPa; Ref.[13]\n".format(H2) ret += "Hardness (H3) = {:.2f} GPa; Ref.[14]\n".format(H3) ret += "Hardness (H4) = {:.2f} GPa; Ref.[15]\n".format(H4) ret += "Hardness (H5) = {:.2f} GPa; Ref.[16]\n".format(H5) ret += "\n" ret += """Hardness recommendation model: ******************************************************************** Cubic Hexagonal Orthorhombic Rhombohedral General ******************************************************************** Insulator H2 H1b H2 H2 H2 Semiconductor H5 H1b, H3 H2 H5 Metal H1a H4 H4 H4 H4 ******************************************************************** Insulator : bandgap > 2 eV Semiconductor : bandgap < 2 eV Metal : bandgap = 0 """ ret += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ret += "References\n" ret += "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" ret += "[1] Necessary and Sufficient Elastic Stability Conditions in Various Crystal Systems. Félix Mouhat and François-Xavier Coudert. Phys. Rev. B (2014)\n" ret += "[2] Crystal Structures and Elastic Properties of Superhard IrN2 and IrN3 from First Principles. Zhi-jian Wu et al. Phys. Rev. B (2007)\n" ret += "[3] The rock physics handbook, Cam-bridge university press. G. Mavko, T. Mukerji, J. Dvorkin. Cambridge University Press. (2020)\n" ret += "[4] Deformation potentials in silicon. i. uniaxial strain. Leonard Kleinman. Phys.Rev. 128. (1962)\n" ret += "[5] Electronic Structure and the Properties of Solids: The Physics of the Chemical Bond. Walter A. Harrison. (2012)\n" ret += "[6] Elasticity and Anelasticity of Metals. Clarence M. Zener et al. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. (1949)\n" ret += "[7] The Elastic Anisotropy of Crystals. D. H. Chung and W. R. Buessem. Journal of Applied Physics (1967)\n" ret += "[8] Universal Elastic Anisotropy Index. Shivakumar I. Ranganathan et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. (2008)\n" ret += "[9] Elastic Anisotropy of Crystals. Christopher M. Kube. AIP Advances. (2016)\n" ret += "[10] A Simplified Method for Calculating the Debye Temperature from Elastic Constants. Orson L.Anderson. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. (1963)\n" ret += "[11] Elastic constants versus melting temperature in metals. M.E.Fine et al. Scripta Metallurgica. (1984)\n" ret += "[12] Correlation between hardness and elastic moduli of the covalent crystals. Jiang, et al. (2011).\n" ret += "[13] Computational alchemy: the search for new superhard materials. Teter (1998).\n" ret += "[14] Mechanical and electronic properties of B12-based ternary crystals of orthorhombic phase. Jiang et al. (2010).\n" ret += "[15] Theoretical investigation on the transition-metal borides with Ta3B4-type structure: A class of hard and refractory materials. Miao et al. (2011).\n" ret += "[16] Modeling hardness of polycrystalline materials and bulk metallic glasses. Chen et al. (2011).\n" return ret @property def elastic_stability(self): return eigenvals.positive_evals(self.elastic_tensor, verbose=self.verbose) @property def hardness(self): """ Returns ------- float The hardness calculated by 6 different methods: [H1a and H1b] Correlation between hardness and elastic moduli of the covalent crystals. Jiang, et al. (2011). [H2] Computational alchemy: the search for new superhard materials. Teter (1998). [H3] Mechanical and electronic properties of B12-based ternary crystals of orthorhombic phase. Jiang et al. (2010). [H4] Theoretical investigation on the transition-metal borides with Ta3B4-type structure: A class of hard and refractory materials. Miao et al. (2011). [H5] Modeling hardness of polycrystalline materials and bulk metallic glasses. Chen et al. (2011). """ B = self.K_vrh G = self.G_vrh Y = self.E_vrh v = self.Nu_vrh k = G / B H1a = (1 / 6.78) * G H1b = (1 / 16.48) * Y H2 = (0.1769 * G) - 2.899 H3 = (1 / 15.76) * Y H4 = ((1 - 2 * v) * B) / (6 * (1 + v)) H5 = 2 * ((k * k * G) ** 0.585) - 3 return H1a, H1b, H2, H3, H4, H5
# def positive_evals(cnew, verbose=True): # """This method checks the postivity of the eigenvalues # of a matrix.""" # # print("Eigen Values of the matrix:") # evals = list(np.linalg.eigvals(cnew)) # evalsPrint = list(np.around(np.array(evals), 3)) # if verbose: # print("%s" % evalsPrint) # check = 0 # for i in range(len(evals)): # if evals[i] > 0.0: # pass # else: # check = 1 # # if check == 1: # # print( # # "ATTENTION: One or more eigen values are negative indicating elastic instability." # # ) # # if check == 0: # # print("All eigen values are positive indicating tic stability.") # return not (bool(check))