# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from ..comms import printer
from ..tests import ductile
from ..tests import eigenvals
from ..utils.constants import *
from ..utils.elements import ELEMENTS
from ..utils.crystalutils import *
from .structure import Structure
from ..tests import stability
[docs]class ElasticProperties2D:
"""Convert the units from GPa or N/m2 to N/m for two-dimensional systems
1 GPa = 10^9 N/m2
Here, we use second Piola-Kirchhoff stress method to express the 2D forces per unit length in N/m units.
Ref: [Peng et al., Acta Mechanica 223 (2012), 2591-2596; Comput. Mater. Sci. 68, 320 (2013); Mech. Mater. 64, 135 (2013). ]
[Singh et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 165444 (2017)]
We multiply elastic tensor by the thickness of the simulation cell to consider the vacuum thickness.
In 2D: Cij = bulk_Cij * C_latticevector (final units N/m)
For example: if bulk_Cij = 15 GPa and out-of-plane cell parameter c = 10 Angs.
Then 2D_Cij = [15*10^9 N/m2] * [10*10^(-10) m] ; i.e 15*(0.1*c) N/m """
def __init__(self, elastic_tensor, lattice_constant, structure = None , lattice_type = None):
self.elastic_tensor = elastic_tensor
self.lattice_constant = lattice_constant
self.c2d = np.zeros((6, 6))
self.structure = structure
self.lattice_type = lattice_type
# if self.structure is not None: #or self.lattice_type is not None:
def _c2d(self):
for i in range(0, 6):
for j in range(0, 6):
self.c2d[i, j] = (
self.elastic_tensor[i, j] * 0.1 * float(self.lattice_constant[2])
print("\n \n Elastic tensor for two-dimensional system in N/m units \n")
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
# if self.lattice_type is not None or self.structure is not None:
# print(
# "\n------------------------------------------------------------------"
# )
# print("Mechanical Stability Tests")
# print(
# "------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
# self.elastic_stability
# Elastic Properties
def Lm(self):
Layer modulus: represents the resistance of a 2D sheet to stretching; Lm = (1/4)*[c11 + c22 + 2*c12] [Ref: Andrew et al.; Phys. Rev. B 85, 125428 (2012)]
Lm : float
Layer modulus
Lm = 0.25 * (self.c2d[0][0] + self.c2d[1][1] + 2 * self.c2d[0][1])
return Lm
def layer_modulus(self):
layer_modulus : float
Layer modulus
return self.Lm
def Y10(self):
2D Young's modulus or in-plane stiffness: Y[10] = [c11c22 - c12^2]/[c22]
Y10 : float
2D Young's modulus (in-plane stiffness)
Y10 = (self.c2d[0][0] * self.c2d[1][1] - self.c2d[0][1] * self.c2d[0][1]) / (
return Y10
def Y01(self):
2D Young's modulus or in-plane stiffness: Y[01] = [c11c22 - c12^2]/[c11]
Y01 : float
2D Young's modulus (in-plane stiffness)
Y01 = (self.c2d[0][0] * self.c2d[1][1] - self.c2d[0][1] * self.c2d[0][1]) / (
return Y01
def nu10(self):
2D Poisson's ratio; nu10 = c12/c22
nu10 : float
2D Poisson's ratio
nu10 = self.c2d[0][1] / self.c2d[1][1]
return nu10
def nu01(self):
2D Poisson's ratio; nu01 = c12/c11
nu01 : float
2D Poisson's ratio
nu01 = self.c2d[0][1] / self.c2d[0][0]
return nu01
def G2d(self):
2D shear modulus; G2d = C66
G2d : float
2D shear modulus
G2d = self.c2d[5][5]
return G2d
def shear_modulus_2d(self):
2D shear modulus; G2d = C66
G2d : float
2D shear modulus
return self.G2d
def elastic_stability(self):
return stability.stability_test_2d(self.c2d, self.lattice_type)
[docs] def print_properties(self):
print("\n \n Elastic properties in two-dimensions \n")
"[Useful refs. Andrew et al.; Phys. Rev. B 85, 125428 (2012), Peng et al., Acta Mechanica 223 (2012), 2591-2596; Comput. Mater. Sci. 68, 320 (2013); Mech. Mater. 64, 135 (2013) ]"
print(" ")
print("2D layer modulus (N/m) : %10.3f " % self.Lm)
print("2D Young's modulus Y[10] (N/m) : %10.3f " % self.Y10)
print("2D Young's modulus Y[01] (N/m) : %10.3f " % self.Y01)
print("2D Shear modulus G (N/m) : %10.3f " % self.G2d)
print("2D Poisson ratio v[10] : %10.3f " % self.nu10)
print("2D Poisson ratio v[01] : %10.3f " % self.nu01)
# "Note: The elastic stabilty test for 2D systems is not yet implemented. "