import numpy as np
import re
from itertools import groupby
from ..utils.constants import *
from ..utils.elements import ELEMENTS, elements_inversed
from ..comms import printer
from ..tests import symmetry
from ..core import ElasticProperties
from ..core import Structure
[docs]class AbinitOutput:
This class contains methods to parse the outputs from
Abinit. It requires the scf/RF output and the ddb analysis
def __init__(self, infile="abinit.out", anaddbfile="abinit2.out"):
self.infile = infile
self.anaddbfile = anaddbfile
self.elastic_tensor = None
self.compaliance_tensor = None
self.structure = None
self.text = None
self.density = None
# self.elastic_properties = ElasticProperties(
# self.elastic_tensor, self.structure)#, self.crystal_type)
def _parse_ddb(self):
This funcion reads the elastic tensor from the abinit output file
after running anaddb.
rf = open(self.anaddbfile, "r")
datamat =
ET = re.findall(
ET2 = np.array([float(x) for x in ET[0].split()])
elastic_tensor = ET2.reshape(6, 6)
return np.matrix(elastic_tensor)
def _parse_output(self):
This function reads the abinit output for scf and RF calculations
and initializes the class variables.
rf = open(self.infile)
self.text =
data = self.text
mass = np.array(
[float(x) for x in re.findall(r"amu\s*([E+=0-9.\s]*)\n", data)[0].split()]
volume = float(
re.findall("Unit\s*cell\s*volume\s*ucvol\s*=\s*([-+0-9.E\s]*)", data)[-1]
# converting from Bohr^3 to Angstrom^3
volume = volume * (0.529177249) ** 3
nions = int(re.findall(r"\bnatom\b\s*([0-9]*)", data)[-1])
# counting the number of atoms per type
typat = [int(x) for x in re.findall(r"\btypat\b\s*([0-9\s]*)", data)[0].split()]
species_grouped = [i[0] for i in groupby(typat)]
iontype = [typat.count(i) for i in species_grouped]
natoms = np.array([typat.count(i) for i in species_grouped])
# Sometimes LATTYP is not present.
# Only parse if available.
lattice_type = re.findall("LATTYP.*", data)
if lattice_type:
lattyp = lattice_type[-1]
full_latt = re.findall(r"\(Bohr,Bohr\^-1\):*\n([-+0-9.RG=\(\)\s\n]*)\n", data)[
r1 = [float(x) for x in full_latt[1:4]]
r2 = [float(x) for x in full_latt[9:12]]
r3 = [float(x) for x in full_latt[17:20]]
lattice = np.array((r1, r2, r3), dtype="float64")
# converting from Bohr to Angstroms
lattice = 0.529177249 * lattice
positions = np.array(
for x in re.findall(r"\bxred\b\s*([0-9-+.\sE]*)\n", data)[-1].split()
positions = positions.reshape(nions, 3)
self.lattice_constant = [
0.529177249 * float(x)
for x in re.findall(r"acell\d\s*([-+0-9.E\s]*)Bohr", data)[-1].split()
# cell parameters
A = float(self.lattice_constant[0])
B = float(self.lattice_constant[1])
C = float(self.lattice_constant[2])
"Lattice parameters (in Angs.): a = %10.5f b = %10.5f c = %10.5f"
% (A, B, C)
# external pressure in GPa
self.pressure = float(re.findall(r"Pressure=\s*([0-9-+.E\s]*)\s*GPa", data)[-1])
# atomic numbers
znucl = [
int(float(x)) for x in re.findall(r"znucl\s*([0-9.\s]*)\n", data)[0].split()
species = [elements_inversed[x] for x in znucl]
atomic_numbers = np.zeros(nions, dtype=np.int32)
k = 0
for i in range(len(iontype)):
for j in range(iontype[i]):
atomic_numbers[k] = ELEMENTS[species[i]]
k = k + 1
print("Atomic numbers")
atomic_numbers = atomic_numbers
symbols = [elements_inversed[x] for x in atomic_numbers]
cell = (lattice, positions, atomic_numbers)
print("Mass of atoms (in g/mol units): ")
print("Number of atoms: %d" % np.sum(natoms))
total_mass = 0.0
for i in range(len(natoms)):
total_mass = total_mass + natoms[i] * mass[i]
print("Total mass (in g/mol): %10.4f " % total_mass)
print("Volume of the cell (in Ang^3 units): %10.4f " % volume)
# converting the units
volume *= 1.0e-30 # from Angstrom to meters
total_mass *= 1.0e-3 # from gram to kg
density = total_mass / (volume * N_avogadro)
self.density = density
print("\nDensity (in kg/m^3 units ): %10.5f" % density)
print("External Pressure (in GPa units ): %10.5f" % self.pressure)
c = self._parse_ddb()
print("\nPrinting Cij matrix as read from Abinit DDB output.\n")
np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
self.elastic_tensor = c.copy()
self.compaliance_tensor = self.elastic_tensor.I
# print(self.elastic_tensor)
"\n \n printing CNEW: Modified matrix in correct order (in GPa units)... \n For example- to generate input for the ELATE code [] \n"
# in GPa
self.elastic_tensor = self.elastic_tensor * 100
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True)
"\n Checking if the modified matrix CNEW is symmetric: i.e. Cij = Cji: %10s"
% symmetry.check_symmetric(self.elastic_tensor)
self.structure = Structure(symbols, positions, lattice)