Source code for mechelastic.utils.crystalutils

#!/usr/bin/env python

from ..tests import stability
import spglib
import numpy as np

crystallist = np.array(

latticelist = np.array(

[docs]def crystal_select(cnew=None, cell=None, crystal_type=None, verbose=True): """This method selects crystal types.""" to_print = "" to_print += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" to_print += "Mechanical Stability Tests" to_print += "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" if crystal_type is not None: stability.stability_test(cnew, crystal_type, verbose=verbose) else: to_print += "WARNING: crystal symmetry class was not provided by user, it will be taken from the OUTCAR.\n" to_print += "One of the following was expected as the second argument: \n 'cubic', 'hexagonal', 'tetragonal', 'rhombohedral-1', 'rhombohedral-2', 'orthorhombic', 'monoclinic'" crystal_type = "" spg = int(spglib.get_spacegroup(cell, symprec=1e-5).split()[1][1:-1]) if spg >= 1 and spg <= 2: crystal_type = "triclinic" if spg >= 3 and spg <= 15: crystal_type = "monoclinic" if spg >= 16 and spg <= 74: crystal_type = "orthorhombic" if spg >= 75 and spg <= 142: crystal_type = "tetragonal" if spg >= 143 and spg <= 167: if spg == 155 or spg == 160 or spg == 166: crystal_type = "rhombohedral-1" else: crystal_type = "rhombohedral-2" if spg >= 168 and spg <= 194: crystal_type = "hexagonal" if spg >= 195: crystal_type = "cubic" to_print += "\nFrom OUTCAR the crystal type is = %s" % crystal_type if verbose: print(to_print) stability.stability_test(cnew, crystal_type, verbose)
[docs]def lattice_select(cnew=None, cell=None, lattice_type=None, verbose=True): """This method selects crystal types.""" to_print = "" if lattice_type is not None: to_print += "\n \t \t Mechanical Stability Test \n" stability.stability_test_2d(cnew, lattice_type, verbose) else: to_print += "\n" to_print += "WARNING: crystal symmetry class was not provided by user" to_print += "One of the following was expected as the second argument: \n 'hexagonal', 'square', 'rectangular', 'rectangular-center', 'oblique'" if verbose: print(to_print)