mechelastic.tests package


mechelastic.tests.ductile module


Test for ductility.

mechelastic.tests.eigenvals module

mechelastic.tests.eigenvals.positive_evals(cnew, verbose=True)[source]

This method checks the postivity of the eigenvalues of a matrix.

mechelastic.tests.stability module

mechelastic.tests.stability.stability_test(matrix, crystal_type, verbose=True)[source]

This methods tests for the stability of a structure, then returns a boolean if ther structure is stable.

References [1] Necessary and Sufficient Elastic Stability Conditions in Various Crystal Systems. Félix Mouhat and François-Xavier Coudert. Phys. Rev. B (2014) [2] Crystal Structures and Elastic Properties of Superhard IrN2 and IrN3 from First Principles. Zhi-jian Wu et al. Phys. Rev. B (2007)

mechelastic.tests.stability.stability_test_2d(matrix, lattice_type, verbose)[source]

mechelastic.tests.symmetry module

mechelastic.tests.symmetry.check_symmetric(a, tol=1e-08)[source]

Checks if a matrix is symmetric.

Module contents