__author__ = "Pedram Tavadze and Logan Lang"
__maintainer__ = "Pedram Tavadze and Logan Lang"
__email__ = "petavazohi@mail.wvu.edu, lllang@mix.wvu.edu"
__date__ = "March 31, 2020"
import os
from typing import List
import re
import glob
import numpy as np
from ..utils import welcome
from ..utils import UtilsProcar
from ..io.abinit import Output
def cat(
This module concatenates multiple PROCARs.
If a list of input PROCAR files is not provided it will merge all the PROCAR_*
files in the directory.
inFiles : List[str], optional
A list of PROCAR files to concatenate, by default None
outFile : str, optional
String for the output, by default "PROCAR_merged"
gz : bool, optional
Boolean if output should be compressed to .gz file, by default False
mergeparallel : bool, optional
Boolean for merging PROCARs generated
from parallel Abinit calculations., by default False
fixformat : bool, optional
Boolean to fix formatting issues
in the Abinit PROCAR file., by default False
nspin : int, optional
To detect if the calculation is spin-colinear it checks for the nsppol flag
in the Abinit output file as set in abinit_output. If not present, set nspin., by default 1
abinit_output : str, optional
The abinit output file, by default None
# reading in all PROCAR_* files and putting it into a list if not provided.
if inFiles is None:
inFiles = sorted(glob.glob("PROCAR_*"))
print("Input : ", inFiles) # ', '.join(inFiles)
print("Output : ", outFile)
if mergeparallel == False and fixformat == False:
if gz == True:
print("out compressed: true")
if gz == True and outFile[-3:] != ".gz":
outFile += ".gz"
print(".gz extension appended to the outfile")
handler = UtilsProcar()
handler.MergeFiles(inFiles, outFile, gzipOut=gz)
elif mergeparallel == True and fixformat == False:
_mergeparallel(inFiles, outFile, nspin, abinit_output)
elif mergeparallel == True and fixformat == True:
outFile_temp = "outFile.tmp"
_mergeparallel(inFiles, outFile_temp, nspin, abinit_output)
_fixformat(outFile_temp, outFile)
if os.path.exists(outFile_temp):
elif mergeparallel == False and fixformat == True:
print("Using fixformat = True without mergeparallel. Input a single PROCAR.")
_fixformat(inFiles, outFile)
def _mergeparallel(inputfiles=None, outputfile=None, nspin=1, abinit_output=None):
""" This merges Procar files seperated between k-point ranges.
Happens with parallel Abinit runs.
print("Merging parallel files...")
filenames = sorted(inputfiles)
# creating an instance of the AbinitParser class
if abinit_output:
abinitparserobject = Output(abinit_output=abinit_output)
nspin = int(abinitparserobject.nspin)
nspin = int(nspin)
if nspin != 2:
with open(outputfile, "w") as outfile:
for fname in filenames:
with open(fname) as infile:
for line in infile:
elif nspin == 2:
# for spin polarized calculations the spin down segments are saved in the
# second half of the PROCAR's but in reverse k-point order. So we have to
# fix the order and merge the second half of the PROCAR's.
spinup_list = filenames[: int(len(filenames) / 2)]
spindown_list = filenames[int(len(filenames) / 2) :]
# reading the second line of the header to set as the separating line
# in the colinear spin PROCAR.
fp = open(spinup_list[0], "r")
header1 = fp.readline()
header2 = fp.readline()
# second half of PROCAR files in reverse order.
# Writing new PROCAR with first spin up, header2 and then
# spin down (reversed).
with open(outputfile, "w") as outfile:
for spinupfile in spinup_list:
with open(spinupfile) as infile:
for line in infile:
for spindownfile in spindown_list:
with open(spindownfile) as infile:
for line in infile:
def _fixformat(inputfile=None, outputfile=None):
"""Fixes the formatting of Abinit's Procar
when the tot projection is not summed and spin directions
not seperated.
print("Fixing formatting errors...")
# removing existing temporary fixed file
if os.path.exists(outputfile):
####### Fixing the parallel PROCARs from Abinit ##########
rf = open(inputfile, "r")
data = rf.read()
# reading headers
rffl = open(inputfile, "r")
first_line = rffl.readline()
# header
header = re.findall("#\sof\s.*", data)[0]
# writing to PROCAR
fp = open(outputfile, "a")
fp.write(str(header) + "\n\n")
# get all the k-point line headers
kpoints_raw = re.findall("k-point\s*[0-9]\s*:*.*", data)
for kpoint_counter in range(len(kpoints_raw)):
if kpoint_counter == (len(kpoints_raw) - 1):
# get bands of last k point
bands_raw = re.findall(
kpoints_raw[kpoint_counter] + "([a-z0-9\s\n.+#-]*)", data
# get bands between k point n and n+1
bands_raw = re.findall(
+ "([a-z0-9\s\n.+#-]*)"
+ kpoints_raw[kpoint_counter + 1],
# get the bands headers for a certain k point
raw_bands = re.findall("band\s*[0-9]*.*", bands_raw)
# writing k point header to file
fp.write(kpoints_raw[kpoint_counter] + "\n\n")
for band_counter in range(len(raw_bands)):
if band_counter == (len(raw_bands) - 1):
# the last band
single_band = re.findall(
raw_bands[band_counter] + "([a-z0-9.+\s\n-]*)", bands_raw
# get a single band
single_band = re.findall(
+ "([a-z0-9.+\s\n-]*)"
+ raw_bands[band_counter + 1],
# get the column headers for ion, orbitals and total
column_header = re.findall("ion\s.*tot", single_band)[0]
# get number of ions using PROCAR file
nion_raw = re.findall("#\s*of\s*ions:\s*[0-9]*", data)[0]
nion = int(nion_raw.split(" ")[-1])
# the first column of the band. Same as ions
first_column = []
for x in single_band.split("\n"):
if x != "":
if x != " ":
if x.split()[0] != "ion":
# number of spin orientations
norient = int(len(first_column) / nion)
# calculate the number of orbital headers (s,p,d etc.)
for x in single_band.split("\n"):
if x != "":
if x != " ":
if x.split()[0] == "ion":
norbital = len(x.split()) - 2
# array to store a single band data as seperate lines
single_band_lines = []
for x in single_band.split("\n"):
if x != "":
if x != " ":
if x.split()[0] != "ion":
# create empty array to store data (the orbitals + tot)
bands_orb = np.zeros(shape=(norient, nion, norbital + 1))
# enter data into bands_orb
iion = 0
iorient = 0
for x in single_band.split("\n"):
if x != "" and x != " " and x.split()[0] != "ion":
iline = x.split()
if iion > 1:
iion = 0
iorient += 1
for iorb in range(0, norbital + 1):
bands_orb[iorient, iion, iorb] = float(iline[iorb + 1])
iion += 1
# create an array to store the total values
tot = np.zeros(shape=(norient, norbital + 1))
# entering data into tot array
for iorient in range(norient):
tot[iorient, :] = np.sum(bands_orb[iorient, :, :], axis=0)
# writing data
fp.write(raw_bands[band_counter] + "\n\n")
fp.write(column_header + "\n")
band_iterator = 0
total_count = 0
for orientations_count in range(norient):
for ions_count in range(nion):
fp.write(single_band_lines[band_iterator] + "\n")
band_iterator += 1
fp.write("tot " + " ".join(map(str, tot[total_count, :])) + "\n\n")
total_count += 1