.. _install_ref: Installation ================================== PyProcar is supported by Python 3.x. Please install the following dependencies prior to installing PyProcar. * matplotlib * numpy * scipy * seekpath * ase * scikit-image * pychemia * pyvista * trimesh Installing with pip __________________________________________ To install PyProcar with pip use the following command:: pip install pyprocar Installing with conda __________________________________________ To install PyProcar with conda use the following command:: conda install -c conda-forge pyprocar Cloning through GitHub __________________________________________ To install PyProcar by cloning from GitHub go to `PyProcar Github `__:: git clone https://github.com/romerogroup/pyprocar.git cd pyprocar pip install . After Installation __________________________________________ Once you are done with the installation you can import PyProcar within Python with the command:: import pyprocar The command-line version of PyProcar can be invoked in a terminal with:: procar.py Please note that the command-line version might not be up-to-date with the library version.