.. _structure: Structure =============== PyProcar provides a data class to manage the structure information of the DFT calculation, known as the Structure class. This class takes atoms, cartesian_coordinates, fractional_coordinates, lattice, rotations as arguments. Accessing Structure Information +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Structure object (referred to as "structure") can be accessed through the main io.Parser class: .. code-block:: python import pyprocar parser = pyprocar.io.Parser(code = 'vasp', dir=path_to_calculation) structure = parser.structure Using the structure object, you can access various information related to the structure: .. code-block:: python structure.volume structure.density structure.a structure.b structure.c structure.alpha structure.beta structure.gamma structure.nspecies structure.natoms structure.atomic_numbers structure.reciprocal_lattice structure.lattice_corners structure.cell_convex_hull structure.get_space_group_number() structure.get_space_group_international() structure.get_wyckoff_positions() structure.get_spglib_symmetry_dataset()