Source code for pyprocar.cfg.fermi_surface_3d

from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Optional,Tuple
from enum import Enum, auto

from pyprocar.cfg.base import PlotType, BaseConfig

[docs] class FermiSurfaceMode(Enum): """ An enumeration for defining the modes of Fermi surface representations. Attributes ---------- PLAIN : str Represents the Fermi surface in a simple, where the colors are the different bands. PARAMETRIC : str Represents the Fermi surface in a parametric form, summing over the projections. SPIN_TEXTURE : str Enhances the Fermi surface representation with spin texture information """ PLAIN = "plain" PARAMETRIC = "parametric" SPIN_TEXTURE = "spin_texture"
[docs] class FermiSurfaceProperty(Enum): """ An enumeration for defining the properties that can be visualized on the Fermi surface. Attributes ---------- FERMI_SPEED : str Visualizes the scalar speed at which electrons travel at the Fermi level. FERMI_VELOCITY : str Visualizes the vector velocity of electrons moving at the Fermi level. HARMONIC_AVERAGE_EFFECTIVE_MASS : str Displays the harmonic average of the effective mass of electrons, reflecting the electron mobility. """ FERMI_SPEED = "fermi_speed" FERMI_VELOCITY = "fermi_velocity" HARMONIC_AVERAGE_EFFECTIVE_MASS = "harmonic_effective_mass"
[docs] @dataclass class FermiSurface3DConfig(BaseConfig): """ Configuration class for plotting 3D Fermi surfaces in different modes and styles. Parameters ---------- mode : FermiSurfaceMode, optional (default `FermiSurfaceMode.PLAIN`) Defines the mode of the Fermi surface representation. Options are: `PLAIN`, `PARAMETRIC`, and `SPIN_TEXTURE`. property : FermiSurfaceProperty, optional (default `FermiSurfaceProperty.FERMI_SPEED`) Plot Appearance --------------- background_color : str, optional (default 'white') Sets the background color of the plot. plotter_offscreen : bool, optional (default False) Determines whether the plotter renders offscreen. plotter_camera_pos : List[int], optional (default [1, 1, 1]) Specifies the camera position for the plotter. Surface Configuration --------------------- surface_cmap : str, optional (default 'jet') Defines the colormap for the surface plotting. surface_color : str, optional (default None) Specific color for the surface if not using a colormap. surface_opacity : float, optional (default 1.0) Sets the opacity level of the surface. surface_clim : List[float], optional (default None) Defines the color limits for the surface colormap. surface_bands_colors : List[str], optional (default []) List of colors for each band in the surface plot. Spin Settings --------------------- spin_colors : Tuple[str], optional (None, None) List of colors for the spin texture lines. texture_cmap : str, optional Defines the colormap for texture mapping, default is "jet". texture_color : Optional[str], optional Specific color for the texture if not using a colormap, default is None. texture_size : float, optional Size of the texture elements, default is 0.1. texture_scale : bool, optional Flag to determine if texture scaling is applied, default is False. texture_opacity : float, optional Opacity of the texture, default is 1.0. arrow_size : int, optional (default 3) Size of the arrows in the spin texture mode. Axes and Labels --------------- add_axes : bool, optional Flag to determine if axes are added to the plot, default is True. x_axes_label : str, optional Label for the x-axis, default is "Kx". y_axes_label : str, optional Label for the y-axis, default is "Ky". z_axes_label : str, optional Label for the z-axis, default is "Kz". axes_label_color : str, optional Color of the axes labels, default is "black". axes_line_width : float, optional Line width of the axes, default is 6. Brillouin Zone Styling ---------------------- brillouin_zone_style : str, optional (default "wireframe") Defines the style of the Brillouin zone. brillouin_zone_line_width : float, optional (default 3.5) Sets the line width of the Brillouin zone lines. brillouin_zone_color : str, optional (default "black") Specifies the color of the Brillouin zone lines. brillouin_zone_opacity : float, optional (default 1.0) Controls the opacity of the Brillouin zone lines. Advanced Configurations ----------------------- fermi_tolerance : float, optional The tolerance to search for bands around the Fermi energy, default is 0.1. extended_zone_directions : Optional[List[List[int]]], optional List of directions to extend the surface in, default is None. supercell : List[int], optional The supercell size to use for the Fermi surface, default is [1, 1, 1]. projection_accuracy : str, optional The accuracy of the projections with options 'high' and 'normal', default is 'high'. interpolation_factor : int, optional The interpolation factor to use for the Fermi surface, default is 1. Advanced Configurations ----------------------- fermi_tolerance : float, optional (default 0.1) The tolerance to search for bands around the fermi energy. extended_zone_directions : List[List[int]], optional (default None) List of directions to extend the surface in. supercell : List[int], optional (default [1, 1, 1]) The supercell size to use for the Fermi surface. projection_accuracy : str, optional (default 'high') The accuracy of the projections. Options are 'high' and 'normal'. interpolation_factor : int, optional (default 1) The interpolation factor to use for the Fermi surface. max_distance : float, optional (default 0.2) The maximum distance to keep points from the isosurface centers. Cross section Settings ---------------------- cross_section_slice_linewidth : float, optional (default 5.0) Line width for slices in cross-sectional views. cross_section_slice_show_area : bool, optional (default False) Flag to determine if the area under the cross-section should be shown. Isoslider Settings ------------------- isoslider_title : str, optional (default 'Energy iso-value') Title for the iso-value slider in the interface. isoslider_style : str, optional (default 'modern') Style of the iso-value slider. isoslider_color : str, optional (default 'black') Color of the iso-value slider. Miscellaneous ------------- orbit_gif_n_points : int, optional Number of points to interpolate for creating orbit GIF animations, default is 36. orbit_gif_step : float, optional Step size between points in the orbit GIF animation, default is 0.05. orbit_mp4_n_points : int, optional Number of points to interpolate for creating orbit MP4 animations, default is 36. orbit_mp4_step : float, optional Step size between points in the orbit MP4 animation, default is 0.05. Methods ------- __post_init__(): Post-initialization to set additional properties like `plot_type`. Examples -------- To initialize a basic configuration with the default settings: >>> config = FermiSurface3DConfig() To customize the Fermi surface with a specific colormap and opacity: >>> custom_config = FermiSurface3DConfig(surface_cmap='magma', surface_opacity=0.8) """ # Basic Plot Settings mode: FermiSurfaceMode = FermiSurfaceMode.PLAIN property: FermiSurfaceProperty = FermiSurfaceProperty.FERMI_SPEED background_color: str = 'white' plotter_offscreen: bool = False plotter_camera_pos: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [1, 1, 1]) # Surface Appearance surface_cmap: str = 'jet' # Colormap for the surface surface_color: Optional[str] = None # Specific color for the surface surface_opacity: float = 1.0 surface_clim: Optional[List[float]] = None surface_bands_colors: List[str] = field(default_factory=list) # Spin Settings spin_colors: Optional[Tuple[str]] = (None,None) arrow_size: int = 3 # Size of arrows for spin texture texture_cmap: str = "jet" texture_color: Optional[str] = None texture_size: float = 0.1 texture_scale: bool = False texture_opacity: float = 1.0 # Brillouin Zone Styling brillouin_zone_style: str = "wireframe" brillouin_zone_line_width: float = 3.5 brillouin_zone_color: str = "black" brillouin_zone_opacity: float = 1.0 # Axes and Labels add_axes: bool = True x_axes_label: str = "Kx" y_axes_label: str = "Ky" z_axes_label: str = "Kz" axes_label_color: str = "black" axes_line_width: float = 6 # Scalar Bar Configurations add_scalar_bar: bool = True scalar_bar_labels: int = 6 scalar_bar_italic: bool = False scalar_bar_bold: bool = False scalar_bar_title: Optional[str] = None scalar_bar_title_font_size: Optional[float] = None scalar_bar_label_font_size: Optional[float] = None scalar_bar_position_x: float = 0.4 scalar_bar_position_y: float = 0.01 scalar_bar_color: str = 'black' property_name: str = 'fermi_speed' # Advanced Configurations fermi_tolerance: float = 0.1 extended_zone_directions: Optional[List[List[int]]] = None supercell: List[int] = field(default_factory=lambda: [1, 1, 1]) projection_accuracy: str = 'high' interpolation_factor: int = 1 max_distance: float = 0.2 # Cross section Settings cross_section_slice_linewidth: float = 5.0 cross_section_slice_show_area: bool = False # Isoslider Settings isoslider_title: str = 'Energy iso-value' isoslider_style: str = 'modern' isoslider_color: str = 'black' # Miscellaneous orbit_gif_n_points: int = 36 orbit_gif_step: float = 0.05 orbit_mp4_n_points: int = 36 orbit_mp4_step: float = 0.05 def __post_init__(self): """This method is immediately called after the object is initialized. It is useful to validate the data and set default values. """ self.plot_type = PlotType.FERMI_SURFACE_3D
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Returns a dictionary of the configuration settings. """ return asdict(self)