Here is a gallery of several examples demonstrating what PyProcar can do!
Band Structure#
These examples demonstrate the band structure plotting capabilities.

Plotting non colinear band structures in Quantum Espresso
Density of States#
These examples demonstrate the density of states plotting capabilities.
Bands and Dos plot#
These examples demonstrate the bandsdosplot plotting capabilities.
Fermi 2D#
These examples demonstrate the Fermi2D plotting capabilities.
Fermi 3D#
These examples demonstrate the Fermi3D plotting capabilities.
Symmetry does not currently work! Make sure for fermi surface calculations turn off symmetry

Showing how to get van alphen fequencies from the fermi surface
These examples demonstrate other capabilities.
These examples demonstrate the PyPoscar module

Modifying a POSCAR File: Scaling, Supercells, and Defects