Plotting rashba spin splitting#

Plotting rashba spin splitting example. From our first paper we had an example to plot the different spin texture projections of BiSb at a constant energy surface 0.60eV above the fermei level and -0.90ev below the fermi level.

First download the example files with the code below. Then replace data_dir below.

Downloading example#
 data_dir = pyprocar.download_example(save_dir='',

importing pyprocar and specifying local data_dir

import os
import pyprocar

data_dir = f"{pyprocar.utils.ROOT}{os.sep}data{os.sep}examples{os.sep}BiSb_monolayer{os.sep}vasp{os.sep}non-colinear{os.sep}fermi"

energy = 0.60 sx projection no arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  0.6
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

C:\Users\lllang\miniconda3\envs\pyprocar_dev\lib\site-packages\spglib\ DeprecationWarning: dict interface (SpglibDataset['wyckoffs']) is deprecated.Use attribute interface ({self.__class__.__name__}.{key}) instead

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [20 21]

energy = 0.60 sy projection no arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  0.6
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [20 21]

energy = 0.60 sz projection no arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  0.6
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [20 21]

energy = -0.90 sx projection no arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  -0.9
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [16 17 18 19]

energy = -0.90 sy projection no arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  -0.9
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [16 17 18 19]

energy = -0.90 sz projection no arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  -0.9
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [16 17 18 19]

energy = 0.60 sx projection with arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  0.6
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [20 21]

energy = -0.90 sx projection with arrows#

pyprocar.fermi2D(code = 'vasp',
plot rashba spin spliting
 ____        ____
|  _ \ _   _|  _ \ _ __ ___   ___ __ _ _ __
| |_) | | | | |_) | '__/ _ \ / __/ _` | '__|
|  __/| |_| |  __/| | | (_) | (_| (_| | |
|_|    \__, |_|   |_|  \___/ \___\__,_|_|
A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.

Version 6.3.1 created on Jun 10th, 2021

Please cite:
 Uthpala Herath, Pedram Tavadze, Xu He, Eric Bousquet, Sobhit Singh, Francisco Muñoz and Aldo Romero.,
 PyProcar: A Python library for electronic structure pre/post-processing.,
 Computer Physics Communications 251 (2020):107080.

- Francisco Muñoz
- Aldo Romero
- Sobhit Singh
- Uthpala Herath
- Pedram Tavadze
- Eric Bousquet
- Xu He
- Reese Boucher
- Logan Lang
- Freddy Farah

dirname         :  C:\Users\lllang\Desktop\Current_Projects\pyprocar\data\examples\BiSb_monolayer\vasp\non-colinear\fermi
bands           :  None
atoms           :  None
orbitals        :  None
spin comp.      :  None
energy          :  -0.9
rot. symmetry   :  1
origin (trasl.) :  [0, 0, 0]
rotation        :  [0, 0, 0, 1]
save figure     :  None
spin_texture    :  True

            There are additional plot options that are defined in a configuration file.
            You can change these configurations by passing the keyword argument to the function
            To print a list of plot options set print_plot_opts=True

            Here is a list modes : plain , plain_bands , parametric

            WARNING : Make sure the kmesh has kz points with kz=0.0 +- 0.01

Useful band indices for spin-0 : [16 17 18 19]

Total running time of the script: (1 minutes 1.724 seconds)

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