Band Structure Configuration API#
- class pyprocar.cfg.band_structure.BandStructureConfig(plot_type: ~pyprocar.cfg.base.PlotType, custom_settings: ~typing.Dict[str, ~typing.Any] = <factory>, modes: ~typing.List[str] = <factory>, color: str = 'black', spin_colors: ~typing.Tuple[str] = <factory>, colorbar_title: str = 'Atomic Orbital Projections', colorbar_title_size: int = 15, colorbar_title_padding: int = 20, colorbar_tick_labelsize: int = 10, cmap: str = 'jet', clim: ~typing.Tuple[float, float] | None = (0.0, 1.0), fermi_color: str = 'blue', fermi_linestyle: str = 'dotted', fermi_linewidth: float = 1, grid: bool = False, grid_axis: str = 'both', grid_color: str = 'grey', grid_linestyle: str = 'solid', grid_linewidth: float = 1, grid_which: str = 'major', label: ~typing.Tuple[str] = <factory>, legend: bool = True, linestyle: ~typing.Tuple[str] = <factory>, linewidth: ~typing.Tuple[float] = <factory>, marker: ~typing.Tuple[str] = <factory>, markersize: ~typing.Tuple[float] = <factory>, opacity: ~typing.Tuple[float] = <factory>, plot_color_bar: bool = True, savefig: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, weighted_color: bool = True, weighted_width: bool = False, figure_size: ~typing.Tuple[int] = <factory>, dpi: str = 'figure', colorbar_tick_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, colorbar_label_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, x_label_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, y_label_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, title_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, major_y_tick_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, minor_y_tick_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, major_x_tick_params: ~typing.Dict[str, any] = <factory>, multiple_locator_y_major_value: float | None = None, multiple_locator_y_minor_value: float | None = None)[source]#
Configuration class for plotting band structures with custom options.
- Parameters:
color (str, optional (default ‘black’)) – Color for the plot lines.
spin_colors (Tuple[str], optional) – Colors for the spin texture lines.
colorbar_title (str, optional) – Title of the colorbar.
colorbar_title_size (int, optional) – Font size of the title of the colorbar.
colorbar_title_padding (int, optional) – Padding of the title of the colorbar.
colorbar_tick_labelsize (int, optional) – Size of the tick labels on the colorbar.
- Plot Appearance:
cmap (str, optional (default ‘jet’)) – The colormap used for the plot.
clim (Tuple[float, float], optional) – The color scale limits for the color bar.
fermi_color (str, optional) – Color of the Fermi line.
fermi_linestyle (str, optional) – The linestyle of the Fermi line.
fermi_linewidth (float, optional) – The linewidth of the Fermi line.
grid (bool, optional) – If true, a grid will be shown on the plot.
grid_axis (str, optional) – Which axis (or both) the grid lines should be drawn on.
grid_color (str, optional) – The color of the grid lines.
grid_linestyle (str, optional) – The linestyle of the grid lines.
grid_linewidth (float, optional) – The linewidth of the grid lines.
grid_which (str, optional) – Which grid lines to draw (major, minor, or both).
label (Tuple[str], optional) – The labels for the plot lines.
legend (bool, optional) – If true, a legend will be shown on the plot.
linestyle (Tuple[str], optional) – The linestyles for the plot lines.
linewidth (Tuple[float], optional) – The linewidths for the plot lines.
marker (Tuple[str], optional) – The marker styles for the plot points.
markersize (Tuple[float], optional) – The size of the markers for the plot points.
opacity (Tuple[float], optional) – The opacities for the plot lines.
plot_color_bar (bool, optional) – If true, a color bar will be shown on the plot.
savefig (str, optional) – The file name to save the figure. If null, the figure will not be saved.
title (str, optional) – The title for the plot. If null, no title will be displayed.
weighted_color (bool, optional) – If true, the color of the lines will be weighted.
weighted_width (bool, optional) – If true, the width of the lines will be weighted.
figure_size (Tuple[int], optional) – The size of the figure (width, height) in inches.
dpi (str, optional) – The resolution in dots per inch. If ‘figure’, use the figure’s dpi value.
- colorbar_tick_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The colorbar tick parameters, by default None
- colorbar_label_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The colorbar label parameters, by default None
- x_label_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The x label parameters, by default None
- y_label_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The y label parameters, by default None
- title_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The title parameters, by default None
- major_x_tick_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The major x tick parameters, by default None
- major_y_tick_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The major y tick parameters, by default None
- minor_y_tick_paramsDict[str, any], optional
The minor y tick parameters, by default None
- major_y_locatormatplotlib.ticker.Locator, optional
The major y locator, by default None
- minor_y_locatormatplotlib.ticker.Locator, optional
The minor y locator, by default None
- multiple_locator_y_major_valuefloat, optional
The major value for the multiple locator, by default None
- multiple_locator_y_minor_valuefloat, optional
The minor value for the multiple locator, by default None
- __post_init__():
Post-initialization to set additional properties like plot_type.
To initialize a basic configuration with the default settings:
>>> config = BandStructureConfig()
To customize the plot with a specific colormap and line styles:
>>> custom_config = BandStructureConfig(cmap='magma', linestyle=('dotted', 'dashed'))
- clim: Tuple[float, float] | None = (0.0, 1.0)#
- cmap: str = 'jet'#
- color: str = 'black'#
- colorbar_label_params: Dict[str, any]#
- colorbar_tick_labelsize: int = 10#
- colorbar_tick_params: Dict[str, any]#
- colorbar_title: str = 'Atomic Orbital Projections'#
- colorbar_title_padding: int = 20#
- colorbar_title_size: int = 15#
- dpi: str = 'figure'#
- fermi_color: str = 'blue'#
- fermi_linestyle: str = 'dotted'#
- fermi_linewidth: float = 1#
- figure_size: Tuple[int]#
- grid: bool = False#
- grid_axis: str = 'both'#
- grid_color: str = 'grey'#
- grid_linestyle: str = 'solid'#
- grid_linewidth: float = 1#
- grid_which: str = 'major'#
- label: Tuple[str]#
- legend: bool = True#
- linestyle: Tuple[str]#
- linewidth: Tuple[float]#
- major_x_tick_params: Dict[str, any]#
- major_y_locator = None#
- major_y_tick_params: Dict[str, any]#
- marker: Tuple[str]#
- markersize: Tuple[float]#
- minor_y_locator = None#
- minor_y_tick_params: Dict[str, any]#
- modes: List[str]#
- multiple_locator_y_major_value: float = None#
- multiple_locator_y_minor_value: float = None#
- opacity: Tuple[float]#
- plot_color_bar: bool = True#
- savefig: str | None = None#
- spin_colors: Tuple[str]#
- title: str | None = None#
- title_params: Dict[str, any]#
- weighted_color: bool = True#
- weighted_width: bool = False#
- x_label_params: Dict[str, any]#
- y_label_params: Dict[str, any]#
- class pyprocar.cfg.band_structure.BandStructureMode(value)[source]#
An enumeration for defining the modes of Band Structure representations.
- Variables:
PLAIN (str) – Represents the band structure in a simple, where the colors are the different bands.
PARAMETRIC (str) – Represents the band structure in a parametric form, summing over the projections.
SACATTER (str) – Represents the band structure in a scatter plot, where the colors are the different bands.
ATOMIC (str) – Represents the band structure in an atomic level plot, plots singlr kpoint bands.
OVERLAY (str) – Represents the band structure in an overlay plot, where the colors are the selected projections
OVERLAY_SPECIES (str) – Represents the band structure in an overlay plot, where the colors are the different projection of the species.
OVERLAY_ORBITALS (str) – Represents the band structure in an overlay plot, where the colors are the different projection of the orbitals.
- ATOMIC = 'atomic'#
- OVERLAY = 'overlay'#
- OVERLAY_ORBITALS = 'overlay_orbitals'#
- OVERLAY_SPECIES = 'overlay_species'#
- PARAMETRIC = 'parametric'#
- PLAIN = 'plain'#
- SACATTER = 'scatter'#