- pyprocar.scripts.bandsplot(code: str, dirname: str, mode: str = 'plain', spins: List[int] | None = None, atoms: List[int] | None = None, orbitals: List[int] | None = None, items: dict = {}, fermi: float | None = None, fermi_shift: float = 0, interpolation_factor: int = 1, interpolation_type: str = 'cubic', projection_mask: ndarray | None = None, kticks=None, knames=None, kdirect: bool = True, elimit: List[float] | None = None, ax: Axes | None = None, show: bool = True, savefig: str | None = None, print_plot_opts: bool = False, export_data_file: str | None = None, export_append_mode: bool = True, **kwargs)[source]#
A function to plot the band structutre
- Parameters:
code (str, optional) – String to of the code used, by default “vasp”
dirname (str, optional) – The directory name of the calculation, by default None
mode (str, optional) – Sting for the mode of the calculation, by default “plain”
spins (List[int], optional) – A list of spins, by default None
atoms (List[int], optional) – A list of atoms, by default None
orbitals (List[int], optional) – A list of orbitals, by default None
items (dict, optional) – A dictionary where the keys are the atoms and the values a list of orbitals, by default {}
fermi (float, optional) – Float for the fermi energy, by default None. By default the fermi energy will be shifted by the fermi value that is found in the directory. For band structure calculations, due to convergence issues, this fermi energy might not be accurate. If so add the fermi energy from the self-consistent calculation.
fermi_shift (float, optional) – Float to shift the fermi energy, by default 0.
interpolation_factor (int, optional) – The interpolation_factor, by default 1
interpolation_type (str, optional) – The interpolation type, by default “cubic”
projection_mask (np.ndarray, optional) – A custom projection mask, by default None
kticks (_type_, optional) – A list of kticks, by default None
knames (_type_, optional) – A list of kanems, by default None
elimit (List[float], optional) – A list of floats to decide the energy window, by default None
ax (plt.Axes, optional) – A matplotlib axes, by default None
show (bool, optional) – Boolean if to show the plot, by default True
savefig (str, optional) – String to save the plot, by default None
export_data_file (str, optional) – The file name to export the data to. If not provided the data will not be exported.
export_append_mode (bool, optional) – Boolean to append the mode to the file name. If not provided the data will be overwritten.
print_plot_opts (bool, optional) – Boolean to print the plotting options