- Poscar.__init__(filename: str = 'POSCAR', verbose: bool = False)[source]#
The file is not automatically loaded, you need to run self.parse()
- Parameters:
filename (str,) – POSCAR-like file
verbose (bool,) – verbosity level, for debugging. Default: False
- Variables:
self.poscar (str str with the full POSCAR file)
self.cpos (np.nadarray, Cartesian coordinates)
self.dpos (np.ndarray, direct coordinates)
self.lat (np.ndarray (3x3), the lattice)
self.typeSp (list, aame of atomic species, ordered)
self.numberSp (np.ndarray, number of atoms per specie)
self.Ntotal (int, total number of atoms in system)
self.elm (list, element of each atoms one-by-one.)
self.selective (bool, Selective dynamics?)
self.selectFlags (None or nd.array(str), flags of selective dynamics)
self.flags (dict, list of flags. Not used here just for convenience)
self.volume (float, the box product of the lattice)